You can integrate a lot of email providers to SmashPops such as: MailChimp, AWeber, Klaviyo, Omnisend, ActiveCampaign, Zapier, Jilt, Drip, Mailerlite. You can link as many providers as you want to your account. Here is how to do it:

  1. Let’s try to link our Klaviyo account with SmashPops. Go to Integrations, click on Add integration and select Klaviyo.
  2. In our example, Klaviyo asks for a Private API Key. You need to generate one in your account. For other integrations, follow the instructions provided.

  3. Go to your Klaviyo account, under Settings, Account, API keys, click on Create Private API Key (or click here). Select “Full access” for “List”, “Profiles” and “Subscriptions”. Create the key and copy/paste it in SmashPops before clicking on Add account.

  4. As you can see, your Klaviyo account is now correctly integrated in SmashPops.
  5. But it’s not over. To start sending data to Klaviyo, edit a game and go to SETTINGS, then Data collection. 
  6. As you may already know, by default, the data is sent to 2 places: to the SmashPops list and to your Shopify customers list. To also send it to your Klaviyo account, click on Link another integration.
  7. Select your Klaviyo account.
  8. Pick a list from your existing lists where you want the data to be sent.
  9. Click on Confirm.
  10. Congratulations, from now on, we are also sending your SmashPops data to your Klaviyo list!